Emporiblog - Pet Safety - Toxic Plants

Hello all!! This is a long overdue follow up to our Pet Safety - Toxic Essential Oils

Since Witchcraft uses a lot of plants, it's only right that you keep your animals and your practice safe! I'll be covering to he common household pets cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, rodents and reptiles. Let's have a look at what not to use around your pets.

Cats and Dogs

Most of the lists I found are pretty much the same for Cats and Dogs. Plants that effect both will be in bold. Plants that effect one or the other will be specified. Here we go:

- Azalea/Rhododendron - All of the plant
- Daffodil - All of the plant
- Geranium - All of the plant
- Hyacinth - Bulbs
- Iris and Gladioli - All of the plant
- Ragwart - All of the plant
- Rhubarb - Leaves
- Snowdrop - All of the plant
- Tulips - All of the plant
- Elder - All of the plant + elderberries
- Foxglove - Leaves and Seeds
- Hydrangea - Parts of the plant
- Larkspur - All of the plant. Larger pets less effected. Small pets- it's deadly
- Lily of the Valley - Flowers and Leaves
- Nightshade - All of the plant
- Oleander - All of the plant
- Amaryllis - All of the plant
- Autumn Crocus - All of the plant
- Chrysanthemum - All of the plant
- Conkers/Acorns - Dogs
- Poinsettia - All of the plant - Very mild effects
- Holly - All of the plant 
- Mistletoe - All of the plant - especially the berries
- Aloe Vera - Very mild - can cause diarrhoea
- Cherry Laurel - Dogs - Leaves
- Dumbcane - Leaves
- Foxtail - Seeds - the barbed seeds can burrow under the skin
- Heavenly Bamboo - Berries
- Ivy - Dogs - Does effect Cats but not as much
- Laburnum - Dogs - All of the plant
- Oak - Leaves
- Lilies - All species and All of the plant - Pollen especially deadly to cats
- Philodendron - All of the plant
- Potato - Leaves - Raw, green and sprouting potatoes
- Sago Palm - All of the plant
- Tomato - Leaves and unripe fruit
- Yew - Dogs - All of the plant even dried clippings


- Ivy - All of the plant
- Acacia - Twigs and flowers
- Anemone - All of the plant
- Antirrhinum - All of the plant
- Apricot - Twigs and seeds
- Arum - All of the plant
- Azalea/Rhododendron - All of the plant
- Beans - All of the plant + every species
- Beech - Twigs
- Big wort - All of the plant
- Bindweed - All of the plant
- Bluebell - All of the plant
- Box Elder - All of the plant
- Angel Trumpet - All of the plant
- Bryony - All of the plant
- Bulb Plants + Tulip - Avoid them all!!
- Buttercup - All of the plant
- Celandine - All of the plant
- Cherry - Twigs, stems, seeds - Fruit is fine
- Christmas Rose - All of the plant
- Clematis - Twigs
- Columbine - All of the plant
- Morning Glory - All of the plant
- Corn Cockle
- Crocus - All of the plant
- Daffodil - All of the plant
- Dahlia - All of the plant
- Larkspur - All of the plant
- Dogs Mercury - All of the plant
- Elder/Flowering Elder - Twigs
- Evergreens - All of the plant
- Feverfew - All of the plant
- Fool's Parsley - All of the plant
- Foxglove - All of the plant
- Baby's Breath -  All of the plant
- Hemlock - All of the plant
- Stinking Hemlock - All of the plant
- Holly - Twigs
- Hyacinth - All of the plant
- Iris - All of the plant
- Kingcup - All of the plant
- Laburnum - Twigs
- Lily of the Valley - All of the plant
- Lobelia - All of the plant
- Love-in-a-mist - All of the plant
- Lupine - All of the plant
- Meadow Saffron - All of the plant
- Milkweed - All of the plant
- Mistletoe - All of the plant
- Monkshood - Flower
- Narcissus - All of the plant
- Nightshade - All of the plant
- Nux Vomica - All of the plant
- Oak - Twig
- Oleander - All of the plant
- Peach - Seeds and Twigs
- Periwinkle - All of the plant
- Plum - Twig, seeds, leaves - fruit is fine
- Poppy - All of the plant
- Primrose - All of the plant
- Ragwort - All of the plant
- Rhubarb - All of the plant
- Roseweed - All of the plant
- Scarlet Pimpernel - All of the plant
- Snowberry - All of the plant
- Snowdrop - All of the plant
- Spindleberry - All of the plant
- Sprouts potato
- Spurge - All of the plant
- Thorn Apple - All of the plant
- Toadflax - All of the plant
- Tomato - Leaves
- Travelrer's Joy - All of the plant
- Wax Plant - All of the plant
- Wisteria - All of the plant
- Wood Sorrel - All of the plant
- Yew - All of the plant


- Avocado - Pits, leaves, stems, unripe fruit
- Black Locust - Bark, leaves, seeds
- Blue-green Algae - All of the plant
- Calla Lily - All of the plant
- Christmas Cherry - All of the plant
- Coffee Plant - All of the plant
- Tea Plants - Leaves
- Chocolate Plants - All of the plant
- Diffenbachia - All of the plant
- Eggplant - Stems, leaves, sprouts
- Elephant's Ear - All of the plant
- Ergot - All of the plant
- Foxglove - All of the plant
- Jerusalem Cherry - All of the plant
- Jimsonweed - All of the plant
- Lily of the Valley - All of the plant
- Locoweed - All of the plant
- Milkweed - All of the plant
- Mistletoe - All of the plant
- Nightshade - All of the plant
- Oak - All of the plant
- Oleander - All of the plant
- Philodendron - All of the plant
- Poinsettia - Leaves, stem, white sap
- Pokeweed - Roots, berries, leaves
- Potatoes - Stem, sprouts, leaves, green skins
- Rhododendron - All of the plant
- Tobacco - All of the plant
- Tomatoes - Stem, leaves, sprouts
- Virginia Creeper - Leaves, berries
- Yew - Wood, bark, seeds, leaves


- Chocolate Plants - All of the plant
- Ivy - Leaves, berries
- Foxglove - All of the plant
- Oleander - All of the plant
- Amaryllis - All of the plant
- Azalea - All of the plant
- Christmas Rose - All of the plant
- Chrysanthemum - All of the plant
- Dieffenbachia - All of the plant
- Geranium - All of the plant
- Hyacinth - All of the plant
- Hydrangea - All of the plant
- Lily of the Valley - All of the plant
- Mistletoe - All of the plant
- Narcissus - All of the plant
- Nightshade - All of the plant and every species
- Poinsettia - All of the plant
- Primrose - All of the plant
- Tomato - Green is poison


I couldn't find which specific parts of the plant are toxic so I'm going to say that all of the plant is toxic here.

- Pothos
- Azalea
- Buttercup
- Amaryllis
- Dumbcane
- Bird's-nest fern
- Hyacinth
- Poinsettia
- Dracaena
- Caladium
- Daffodil
- Horse Chestnut
- Castor Bean
- Chinaberry
- Clematis
- Ragwort
- Larkspur
- Jack-in-the-pulpit
- Aconite
- Burdock
- Daphne
- Philodendron
- Mock Orange
- Milkweed


If you see any of the following, get your pet to the vet immediately:

- Excessive Drooling
- Lethargy
- Sleeping more than usual
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Irritations of the eyes and skin
- Collapsing/Fainting
- Loss of Consciousness
- Difficulty breathing

If you suspect your pet has eaten something that they shouldn't have, don't hesitate! Get straight to you vet!

Please keep this list in mind and the list linked at the top of the page!!

Keep your practice and your pets safe!


C )0(



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