Ancestral Work (part 1 )
Ancestral Communication and Work.
Hi Guys,
It's me again, as this is work that I have been actively doing, and Cat and I agreed that I would do this post for you. It seems to fit in well with the season.
We have discussed this subject briefly in some other posts, such as Vivianite (just use the search function and input ancestors or spirit work, and you will find the posts to read whichever ones shout at you, as there are too many mentions to put them in here).
We discussed communication with spirits in a previous post but this is a lot more specific as it deals with our own flesh and blood.
I do have a qualification in Ancestral Healing, so this is a precursor to any more in-depth posts that we may do in the future if you want them.
The pic above is one I took recently when I felt the call to tend to the graves of my nan, and her mum, whose headstone is pictured above.
As with a lot of practices, you can be as elaborate or as basic as you need.
🪦 ⛼ 👻 ⿁ 🕯 🔮
Connecting with your ancestors literally can be as simple as speaking to them. Even silently in your head will suffice.
Another practice can be asking them a question of your ancestors before sleep or meditation and listening to any answer you receive while meditating or dreaming. Keeping a notebook and pen close by may help you with this. Make a note of the first thing you think or feel upon waking up or coming back into consciousness.
If you have photos or other physical mementoes from them, you can sit with those items, and use them as a focus to direct your energy and thoughts.
You can dedicate a candle to them, and use the flame of this to focus your thoughts and energy to connect to them. Randomly here, I can say that birthday candles are fantastic for this, especially if they have some connection to the person you are attempting to connect to.
If you feel that you have had no luck during the year with your communications, try it again at this time of year, as it is often easier closest to Samhain (Hallowe'en), or try it on an anniversary of theirs, such as a birthday, death day or even Mother's/Father's day.
Speaking of tools to focus on, how about a crystal ball or other crystal. Below is a list of crystals said to help with ancestral work:
Tiger's Eye
Tourmaline (black)
Hag stones
Any thing that counts as something your ancestors may have used, such as flint arrow heads or obsidian tools.
There is also anything that connects you to them, such as their birthstone or an item of jewellery that they passed down or you inherited.
There are many herbs said to help too, but that feels better as a separate post, as it is a vast subject, so watch this space.
There are other thngs that you can use to focus, including a ouija board (remember to thank the spirits and close this properly) or a pendulum or other dowsing method, such as rods, or bones.
I believe there is a way to use the tarot too, but I will leave that to Cat, as it is outside of my area of expertise.
Of course, as you are the result of every single one of your ancestors, you could use yourself as a focal point. Either use a mirror to focus on, or a photo of yourself.
You can visit graves and tend them, bringing gifts or flowers for your family members. If you knew their favourite flower in life, then bring this for them.
You can trace your lineage, your family tree. There may be a few surprises along the way, so be prepared. Cat has done one branch of ours, and we are related to all kinds of people, including links to nobility!
You can dedicate an area in your home to those that have passed. Ideally, a shelf where children and animals cannot interfere with it. This will effectively become a shrine or altar to them. In this space, you could put photos, orders of service, feathers, crystals, incense, crystals etc. It may be wise to keep a candle on there too, to light and dedicate to them as a focus.
As with all spirit work, thank those that worked with you for their help, and ask that they bring only good. If you are asking for something only temporarily, remember to say goodbye as well as thank you, and ask that you not be followed or bothered in any way again - although, be prepared that they may not wish to work with you again of you do this.
I think that I will leave this one here for now, feel free to comment below if you would like to see more on this in the future.
K x
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