Crystal Collections - Vivianite

Hello all! I'm revamping our crystal series with a new name and a crystal that is quite fitting for the time of the year!

Today's crystal is.... Vivianite!

What is Vivianite?

Vivianite is a crystal that was first discovered in Cornwall at Wheal Kind in St Agnes and was named after either John Henry Vivian or Jeffrey G Vivian and usually measures between 1.5 - 2 on the Mohs scale. It is also referred to as Necro Crystal, Necromancy Stone and Corpse Crystal, which we'll get to in a moment (if you're squeamish or sensitive to the topic, scroll away now). 


Vivianite in it's purest form is actually colourless but, when exposed to air, the minerals it's comprised of oxidise which gives it a deep blue to deep green and most shades in-between colour. Vivianite will also naturally get darker over time 

Where is Vivianite found?

Vivianite can be found inside fossils, specifically fossilised shells and on fossilised bone. It can also be found in iron rich environments, iron coffins or on bodies buried in iron coffins 

Uses in Witchcraft 

Here are some uses of Vivianite within the craft:

- Necromancy 
- Spirit work 
- Spirit Communication/Communication in general 
- Enhancing intuition 
- Emotional strength/balance 
- Overcoming trauma and pain (emotional)
- Connecting to the throat, heart and third eye chakra
- Creating an atmosphere of compassion 
- Grounding 
- Absorbing negativity/evil
- Dispelling negativity 
- Healing 
- Reducing stress and anxiety 


I think we'll leave this one here! I'm not sure how frequent these posts will be but if you have a crystal you want covered, let us know! If the crystal was covered in our Crystal Wednesday series, I'll redo it in the new format!

C )0(


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