Full Moon - August 2021

Hello all and welcome to another Full Moon post! 

This is our second consecutive Full Moon in Aquarius ♒ so here's a post I prepared earlier 😁👉🏻 Full Moon

The musings of a Moon Novice

When it comes to the Moon and the terminology surrounding the Moon, I have no idea what most of it actually means. I get as far as New, Waxing Full, Waning and the cycle repeating, anything more that that and I have absolutely no clue. Now your probably wondering: 

 "How can someone call themselves a Witch and know next to nothing about such a major part of the craft?!"

The answer is because I'm learning. I stepped away from the path a few years ago due to some major life changes happening out of the blue but, now I'm in a place where I feel comfortable coming back. I decided to start from scratch and this blog is helping me expand my knowledge but it will be a while before I can call myself a confident and competent practitioner. Now back to something Moon related....

Best Spell to cast during a Full Moon

Each phase of the Moon has different energies and different powers that you can draw from making different Spells more potent during certain times. During this Full Moon, it will be a good idea to cast Spells that:

- Boost creativity. If you're stuck in a rut with a creative project or want to start one but aren't sure where to start, now is the time to conjure inspiration.

- Promote positive energy. Now is the time to cast that positivity Spell! If you want to attract positive energies or banishing negative ones, tonight is the best time to do so.

- Help with healing. Whether it's for yourself or someone else, tonight is the best time to give your healing intentions as much of a boost as possible. If you know someone who needs healing energies or someone who you think needs healing energies, send some their way tonight.

- Reveal truths. There are secrets everywhere, some are meant to be found but some take a little more time. If you feel like there is a truth that should be revealed to you, set that reveal in motion tonight. 

- Allow us to let go. We all have things that we are clinging to for one reason or another and some of those things are preventing us from moving forward. Tonight is a good time to do Spells that allow you to move on and heal but don't worry if you're not ready, some of us need more time and that's ok! 

- Give Strength. If you feel ready to make changes but don't feel like you can, give yourself a strength boost with the Full Moon or give a boost to someone you know.

- Boost on going magicks. Spells and other workings that have already been cast/done can receive extra power at this time.

- Give protection. You can never have enough protection and a Full Moon is the best time to cast or renew your protections. 

A Full Moon is also a good time to practice and perfect Dreamwork, Divination and work on Psychic abilities. Since this is a second Aquarius Full Moon, it would be a good idea to see how this Moon differs from the last after all, the Moon may be in the same sign but other planets and constellations have shifted which will affect the energies given by the Moon.

I hope you've enjoyed this post! Don't forget to check out our store to make sure you're stocked and ready for the next Full Moon 😉


C )0(



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