Tarot Tuesday - Tarot With Playing Cards

Hello all!! In today's post, I'll be teaching you how to use normal playing cards for divination!!

As Tarot itself started out as card game, I think it's only fitting that we can use playing cards in place of Tarot! There are 52 cards in a standard Deck as opposed to the 72 in Tarot. As we are based in the UK, I'll be using a standard English Deck, if the names of/suits and colours are different in your country or if you're using a themed Deck, you should be able to follow along with your respective formats. If the layout is drastically different, you may need to look up what corresponds to what so you can follow along.

I'll divide this into 4 sections of Colour, SuitNumbers and Layout. So let's start with...


As you know, playing cards come in 2 colours red and black

Red colour cards indicate something positive and black cards indicate the reverse meaning of their red counterpart, like an inverted card in Tarot.


Like Tarot, playing cards have 4 suits and they are:

- Hearts ♥️ (H)
- Diamonds ♦️ (D)
- Clubs ♣️ (C)
- Spades ♠️ (S)

(H) ♥️ - love, friends, family

(D) ♦️ - money, wealth, means and ends

(C) ♣️ - work/business, callings, plans

(S) ♠️ - troubles and struggles that effect everyone

Numbers/Picture cards

There are normally 13 cards in a standard Deck with 10 numbered cards and 3 picture cards. We'll start at the beginning with:

Ace - beginnings

2 - pairs and exchanges

3 - growing/growth

4 - nothing will change

5 - the body/health

6 - which direction/option to take

7 - troubles predetermined by fate

8 - ideas/thoughts

9 - changes will happen

10 - the end of what your asking about

Jack - messages, usually from a woman or a young person

Queen - women and truths

King - men and power


The recommended layout for a playing card reading is the basic 3 card spread, starting left to right.

Card 1 - what's happened in the past

Card 2 - what is currently happening

Card 3 - what will happen


If your last card is a Heart then that's a good sign!

If you aren't allowed Tarot cards for whatever reason, playing cards can help ensure Broom Closet safety and they are usually smaller so they're easier to take with you.

I must confess to some naΓ―vety here. I thought that playing cards around the world used the same suits. It was only while researching for this post that I realised how wrong I was! 

I hope you've enjoyed this post!! We'll continue with the Major Arcana next week!


C )0(



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