
(Photo Credit: Kerenza Jinks)


Although many people see grounding and earthing as the same thing, I do not. 

Allow me to elaborate.

To me, grounding is a spiritual thing, whereas earthing is a physical one.

Although, both can be practiced together.

Yes, I'm confused too. I have confused myself!!

So, I will try and explain what I see as the difference.

Our post on grounding is here.

To me, grounding is a practice of getting rid of unwanted energy, it helps me when I feel anxious, overwhelmed or am overthinking. Yes, I go outside to do this quite often, but that is not a necessary practice. I can also meditate to achieve this

 Grounding meditation on YouTube.

Essentially, grounding helps calm me down, whereas Earthing gives me energy.

In walking barefoot on the ground, I feel that I can draw up energy from the Earth herself, and this can be enough to allow me to face a busy day with positivity.

Basically, I Earth to feel more energetic, and ground to rid myself of unwanted energy. My 'day job' is in a face to face customer service role, so there a lot of energies flying around that I could easily take on or become overwhelmed by. I act, essentially, as people's unpaid counsellor, so can easily take on an energy that isn't mine. (Yes, I do shield and protect myself, and the Earthing for me is a part of that).

To give me the energy to be positive and happy towards people, I will draw my energy from the Earth. This IS possible to do without being barefoot outside, but is more difficult to accomplish and takes a bit more practice. 

All things are connected, and you are still connected to the Earth, even if you are in an aeroplane! It is how deeply you can feel that connection that will keep you energised.

Sometimes to moon phases can get to me too, I always seem to be more affected by the dark moon than I do the full. I find that standing barefoot outside during the new moon helps me to process what it is that I need to know.

One thing to always bare in mind, or at least, it is one thing I always do, is to say thank you to the Earth for helping me get through another day.

Health Benefits:

There are many benefits to walking barefoot, both physical and spiritual. Listed below are just a few;
  • Corrects posture
  • Strengthens tendons and muscles in the feet and lower leg
  • Improves balance
  • Improves mobility
  • Improves circulation
  • Improves nervous system
  • Improves body alignment
  • Apparently, makes our brains grow?
  • Connect with the Earth
  • Decrease anxiety
  • Improves overall mood
  • Free reflexology!
  • Improves your circadian rhythm (internal body clock)
  • Allows you to shed negative energy from household goods such as the TV and microwave (I know a few crystals that can help with that too!)
  • Connection to nature is strengthened
  • Increases energy
  • Increased awareness of your surroundings

So, in summary, I Earth to face the day, and ground to rid myself of any energies that are not mine that I may have picked up during the day.

I apologise for this being a bit of a rambling, unstructured post, more of a free indirect thought exercise in writing a blog post!

Kerenza x



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