Mythological Creatures Series - Wendigo

Credit - Wendigo by Hermance Bertrand

 Hi Guys,

Just thought I'd throw a mythological creature in this week, maybe more than one.

I was always fascinated by stories of the Wendigo when I was younger, having come across the term in the Stephen King novel, Pet Semetary, so I thought that I would delve deeper into it today.
I was always aware it was Native American, but this was in the days well before the internet, so research was limited!

 ~ The Wendigo is a creature or evil spirit originating from the Great Lakes, Plains and many First Nations.

 ~ It is mainly found in the Eastern coast forests of Canada, the Great Plains and the Great Lakes areas of the United States and Canada.

 ~ The English pronunciation comes from the Ojibwe word of Wiindigoo, 
In the Cree language it is wīhtikow, also transliterated wetiko. 
Other transliterations include:
  • Wiindigoo, 
  • Weendigo, 
  • Windego, 
  • Wiindgoo, 
  • Windgo, 
  • Windago,
  • Windiga, 
  • Wendego,
  • Windagoo
  • Widjigo,
  • Wiijigoo, 
  • Wijigo,
  • Wìdjigò, 
  • Wintigo, 
  • Wentigo, 
  • Wehndigo, 
  • Wentiko, 
  • Windgoe, 
  • Wītikō, 
  • Wintsigo.

A plural form windigoag is also spelled windegoag, wiindigooag, or windikouk.

The Proto-Algonquian term has been reconstructed as *wi·nteko·wa, which may have meant "owl".

The details vary from Nation to Nation, but the general characteristics of the Wendigo are:
  • Malevolent
  • Cannibalistic
  • Supernatural
Strongly associated with:
  • Cold
  • Winter
  • Starvation
  • The North
  • Famine
Generally, the Wendigo is thought to be emaciated, with desiccated skin pulled very tightly over its visible bones. It is gaunt and grey with tattered and bloody lips. Thought of as unclean and with suppurating skin, it has a malodorous presence, smelling like death and corruption. It stalks its prey, and in some cases, can talk to and manipulate humans.

In some cultures, it is seen as giant, in others, it grows in proportion to the meal it has just consumed, so is never satiated.

In some stories, a human consumed by greed could turn into a Wendigo, others say that a human is turned into a Wendigo when they are forced to turn to cabalism to survive. You can also turn into one if you have prolonged contact with one. It is also possible to be possessed by the spirit of the Wendigo, referred to as Wendigo psychosis.

Only a Native Shaman or Medicine Man can cure a case of Wendigo psychosis.

I have barely scratched the surface on this mythological being, please let us know if you have any insight into the legends surrounding this creature.

There are many instances in popular culture where the Wendigo occurs, far too many to go into here, so I will advise a quick internet search if you are interested in finding out where to go for this.

I hope this post has helped, and doesn't give you nightmares!

Kerenza x


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