Emporiblog - January Full Moon 2023

Hello all! Welcome to our first post of the year! Regular posting has yet to return but we have not missed a Moon yet!

Our first Full Moon of the year is in Cancer ♋ and thanks to that pesky little thing called Mercury retrograde, emotions will be running high so remember to think before you act and ground yourself wherever possible. Your secrets and emotions (especially the ones you really want to keep hidden) will be revealed if you cannot keep control. There is a plus side to this also will reveal toxic behaviour and traits in both yourself and others, which will allow you to better yourself.

Currently in retrograde, we have:

- Mercury 😣
- Mars
- Uranus 


Here are some Crystals to work with during the Full Moon:

- Moonstone
- Amber
- Rhodochrosite
- Aquamarine
- Ruby
- Emerald
- Rhodonite
- Chrysoprase
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Labradorite
- Unakite
- Citrine
- Selenite

If you're drawn to any other Crystals during this time, use those too!!


Below are some herbs/incense for the Full Moon:

- Sage
- White Roses 
- Lemon Balm
- Morning Glories 
- Aloe
- Lilies/Water Lilies 
- Parsley
- Geraniums 
- Bay
- Any White Flower 
- Eucalyptus
- Watercress

Please check out our PET SAFETY posts for which plants/essential oils are poisonous/toxic to pets!!


Here are some colours to incorporate into your rituals and Altars:

- Silver
- Yellow
- Turquoise
- Blue

I hope you've enjoyed this post! At the moment, we have plans for posts but regular posting will not return for a while, keep watching the blog just in case we surprise you!

C )0(


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