Emporiblog - April Full Moon 2023

Hello all! We're back with another Full Moon post!

This Full Moon will be in Libra ♎ and might be a little tricky. This moon may have you feeling like there is stuff to hold onto from the past. You may find yourself making excuses to avoid things and just avoiding what needs to be done in general. However, the scales are a symbol of Libra and this Moon can help you figure out the balance between holding on and moving on.

We don't currently have anything in retrograde but the pre shadow of Mercury is fast approaching!


Here are some Crystals to work with during this Full Moon:

- Moonstone
- Jade
- Tourmaline
- Labradorite
- Aquamarine
- Moredo Opal
- Topaz
- Adventurine
- Bloodstone
- Rose Quartz
- Lepidolite

If you're drawn to any other Crystals during this time, use those too!! Especially if they're pink!


Below are some herbs/incense for the Full Moon:

- Catnip
- Yarrow
- Thyme
- Pine
- Bergamot
- Rosemary
- Elderberry
- Mugwort
- St John's Wort
- Vanilla

If you have a common household pet, please check our PET SAFETY posts on toxic plants and essential oils!


Here are some colours to incorporate into your rituals and Altars:

- Green
- Pink
- Black
- Blue

I have a few ideas for some upcoming posts so keep your eyes open!

C )0(


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