Emporiblog - September New Moon 2024

Hello all! Let's see what this moon has in store for us!

Well, first of all, it seems that poor Cat is without internet for a while, so you have me back temporarily!

This New Moon is in Virgo ♍ and will be the time to embrace change. 
You will have to welcome the chaos that comes with change but do not fear it as you will need its energy to lead to the transformations that are essential for growth. 
Once you have embraced and accepted these changes, you can begin to work with the conclusions. It may look like failure at times but this can often the cause of serendipitous breakthroughs.
Rest assured that the end is in sight, and that you are on the correct path, at least for now.
Preparation is vital at this time, so be prepared for some upheaval, after all, we don't grow without some struggles!

Currently in retrograde, we have:

- Saturn (due to end November 15th)

- Pluto (due to end October 11th)

- Neptune (due to end December 7th)

- Uranus started retrograde on the 1st of September, so this doesn't end until next year!

- Chiron (due to end December 29th)

- Mercury (okay, technically, Mercury has stationed direct, but there is the shadow phase to be aware of that lasts until roughly the 10th of September)


Here are some Crystals to work with during this New Moon:

- Moonstone 
- Lapis Lazuli
- Jade 
- Amazonite
- Carnelian
- Sapphire
- Amethyst
- Citrine
- Quartz 
- Sodalite
- Selenite
- Turquoise

If you're drawn to any other Crystals during this time, use those too!


Below are some herbs/flowers for this New Moon: 

- Mint
- Buttercup 
- Chamomile 
- Narcissus 
- Thyme
- Asters 
- Lavender 
- Chrysanthemum 
- Fennel
- Cherry Blossom 
- Marjoram

If you have a common household pet, please check our PET SAFETY posts!

I hope you've enjoyed this post! 

Use this current energy to propel yourself forward!

K x


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