Tarot Tuesday - Page Of Coins

Hello all! We're in the last leg of the Coins journey!

A preface: The suit of Coins is also commonly called pentagrams or pentacles (these are actually pentacles cough killstar cough)

The suit of Coins is associated with the element of Earth.

Pictured Above
The purpose of this section is to help you with your own interpretations.

In the card pictured above, we can see a skeleton dressed in a robe (possibly ceremonial) with a bandana and a feather. He is holding a pentacle aloft. We can see mountains in the background behind a flat plain. A wall of cloud covers a portion of the sky and e stars stand out in the sky 

This is a series of signs to look out for/do:

- Manifesting
- Opportunities (mostly financial)
- Development (all spheres, emphasis on skill)

Summary: Opportunities are coming, manifested or otherwise, do not waste them 

Reversed Meaning 
This arrangement is more of a shove in the right direction:

- Procrastination (I feel called out already!)
- Learning opportunities (mostly from failure)
- Lack of progress 

Summary: Analyse the situation, look for lessons and apply them. Look at why you're at a standstill

I think we'll leave this here! Let's see what the rest of the month brings!

Due to rising costs we are, regrettably, closing sales on our site. We will still be holding stock and can be contacted for sales 

C )0(


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