Emporiblog - Nova Explosion and Chaos

Hello all! We're in for a massive amount of energy coming our way so, let's have a look at what's causing everything!

Nova Explosion

At some point between now and September (if it hasn't already happened) there will be a celestial explosion that will be briefly visible from Earth for about a week. We don't have a front row seat of course but what we will see is a really bright star that isn't normally visible. The explosion is taking place in the Corona Borealis constellation (between the Booties and Hercules constellations). Since the last recorded Star system nova was in 1946, I'd say that this is a rare event.

Now, if you work with celestial, astronomical or chaos energy, you'll definitely want to harness this energy! I would also say that it can be used for baneful purposes as well since a star exploding would be quite a violent event.

Eclipse Portal

Since I've only recently come across this term, the timeframe is limited. The Lunar eclipse on the last full moon (March 25th) and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8th has opened up a can of worms. Between this time, is when the eclipse Portal peaks so, if things have been feeling off the past week, this is why! The solar eclipse will take place with the Sun in Aries ♈ so make of that what you will.... However, the combination of energies will be just right for you to put all the pieces together and get towards achieving your goals. After the portal peak, the energies and aftermath will still be able to be felt for a while.


Another astronomical event! At the end of March, the result of a supernova explosion from around 20 or so million years ago came to light. A star in the Messier 101 galaxy went supernova and possibly left behind a black hole in the aftermath. This is more of a scientific breakthrough than a metaphysical one but the energy is still out there!

Mercury Retrograde

Oh joy. Yes, Mercury will once again grace us with a retrograde and I'm thrilled (not). My retrograde app isn't working again and I don't understand this stuff at the best of times so we could already be in the pre shadow or in an actual retrograde itself. So be prepared!

If you thrive on chaos, this month is definitely for you!

This one is a little short and sweet one to give a little run down of what's going on. Along with our ongoing Moon posts, our Tarot Tuesday has finished it's current suit so I will be doing spreads for a couple of weeks as a bit of a change!

Stay safe out there!


C )0(


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