Emporiblog - December Full Moon 2024

Hello all! It's our last Full Moon of the year so let's see what's in store! (UK 15TH DECEMBER I'm find conflicting times)

This Full Moon is in Gemini ♊ and is about following your dreams and looking at your future. If you need a push to chase your dreams and take control of your future, this is it! Look for that perfect job, start that YouTube channel, do what you want to do to have the future you want. It won't happen overnight but you can take the first steps towards what you want and the you you want to be.

Currently in retrograde, we have:

- Mercury 
- Uranus 
- Jupiter 


Here are some crystals to work with during this full moon:

- Moonstone
- Selenite
- Moss Agate
- Clear Quartz
- Topaz 
- Tourmaline
- Diamond 
- Blue Calcite
- Blue Lace Agate 

If you're drawn to any other crystals during this time, use those too!


Below are some herbs/flowers for this full moon:

- Marjoram
- Lily-Of-The-Valley
- Lavender
- Chrysanthemum
- Dill 
- Orchid
- Parsley
- Lilac
- Anise
- Azaleas

If you have a common household pet, please check our PET SAFETY posts!


Here are a few colours for the full moon:

- Blue
- White
- Orange
- Yellow 

FUN FACT: This Moon is referred to as the Clod Moon, Long Night Moon or Ærra Geóla (Moon Before Yule in Old English)

I hope you've enjoyed this post! Apologies for the lack of content, December always drains me but I'll try and find something!

C )0(


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