Emporiblog - Which Witch Are You? Pt II
Hello all! Part 2 of our Which Witch series is.... Element Witches!! View Part 1 here 👉🏻 Which Witch Are You? pt I
Water Witch
A Water Witch draws their power from Water or something that represents Water. This can be:
- Tap water
- Bottled water
- Lakes
- Ponds
- Streams
- Rivers
- Oceans
- Rain
- Showers/Baths
- Waterfalls
Or any body of Water that they have access too. Of course, a Water Witch can also specialise in specific Water magic such as being a:
- Lake Witch
- River Witch
- Rain Witch/Storm Witch
- Ocean/Sea Witch (covered in pt I)
- Swamp Witch (I will do a separate post!)
You get the idea, you can specialise with any kind of Water or just use the blanket term if you feel more comfortable with that. It's not uncommon for a Water Witch to carry Water with them or at least have it within reach, whether it's a water bottle or a mini jar or to have receptacles on hand to collect Water. Water can be both calm and powerful so be careful how you use these powers. If you're drawn to Water or feel more powerful in, around or in the presence of Water, the Water Witch path might be the one for you. For further reading 👇🏻
Fire Witch
Fire Witches draw their power from a flame or something that represents Fire. They can draw power from:
- The Sun
- Candles
- Hearths/Fireplaces (Hearth Witchcraft covered in pt I)
- Lighters
- Incense
- An actual Fire
- Coal
- Flint
- Matches
Fire Witches can also be specify their practice (Candle Witches covered in pt I!). Whilst Fire magic can be used to enhance passion, cleanse and give strength, it can also bring great destruction and misuse of this power will burn out the user in more ways than one so, use caution and make sure you understand what you are doing and practice safely!! If you have a strong, passionate nature and are drawn to the Flame, the path of the Fire Witch may be the one for you. Further reading 👇🏻
Earth Witch
Earth Witches draw energies either directly from the Earth itself or nature (Green and Hedge Witchery covered in pt I). This can also be further subcategorised into:
- Sand Witch (not the edible kind!)
- Stone Witch
- Mineral Witch
- Soil Witch
Or any item that is linked directly to the Earth.
Nature is the key focal point of the Earth Witch and they work closely with it to better understand nature's powers. Be warned, while the Earth is kind and gentle, nature can be fierce and destructive so, be careful how you drawn apon these energies and what you intend to use them for. Knowledge is also a key part to this craft, knowing what's what and what's safe to use is important to know for everyday and ritual use but, you must give back to the Earth! If you are drawn to the Earth and feel strongest when you're close to the Earth, then this path might be the one for you! Further reading 👇🏻
Air Witch
Air is the most accessible element, it's all around us and without it we wouldn't exist! The Air carries everything from seeds to birds to our thoughts and wishes. Because of this, Air is associated with the mind, communication and travel. Air Witchery is about understanding and connecting the mind, body and spirit, usually with ones breath. Breath Work is exactly what it says. Breathing has a huge impact on how our energy is directed and released. If we're breathing frantically our energies can become overwhelming and chaotic but if our breathing is calm and steady, our energies flow freely or as directed and we and our energies are more focused on the task at hand. Our words and intentions can be carried far by Air so be careful what you say because once it's said, it's hard to take back. If you find power in the slightest breeze or feel at peace when you control your breath, then Air Witchery might be something to look into. Further reading 👇🏻
I hope you've enjoyed our latest exploration of Crafts! Keep your eyes peeled for our next installment!!
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